Teaching: Communication Process In The Classroom
Relating communication to the classroom situation, the teacher is the communicator (sender of the message), knowledge being imparted by the teacher is the message and the receivers are the students.
When the teacher (who is the sender) changes or encodes his thoughts according to his knowledge and skill (experience), into verbal, visual or stimulus symbols (messages), this message will reach the students (who are the receivers). Before the students receive the message, it has to go through a channel and the channel could be the teacher himself or any of the instructional materials he is using during the teaching and learning processes, such as the chalkboards, maps, charts, graphs, transparencies, films, pictures and models, etc. When this message reaches the students, they will make a sense out of the message by interpreting or decoding the message according to their experiences. Ideally, at this point the mental images of the teacher and the students ought to match. However, the communication may go wrong some where between the teacher and the students, which will cause what is normally referred to as communication.
The students then will react or respond to the message in their individual unique ways. The total response the teacher gets from his students is what us called feedback. In the feedback process, however, the students do more than decode the message, they must also encode their thoughts for relay back to the teacher. This could be in verbal symbols by asking questions, seeking for more explanations or it could be in visual symbols by nodding their heads, frowning their faces etc. The teacher will in turn decode the feedback. In effect the receivers (students) become senders and the sender (teacher) becomes receiver.
Keep on the good work