
Showing posts from May, 2022

Extra-Curricular Activities: Science Fairs, Exhibitions and Organisation

There are avenues for students to exhibit the models they have built or display results of undertaken projects,etc. The element of publicity in fairs and exhibitions may encourage increase efforts in understanding especially projects. The stimulate interest in science, provide educational participatory experiences and accord public recognition to students endeavours. Values of Science Fairs and Exhibitions 1. Demonstrated projects usually attract people to this utilitarian aspect of science. 2. More understanding of models foristance by weaker students. 3. Students learn to put in their best because of the element of competition and publicity. 4. The general conduct and procedure of the whole exercise is educative, because there are sufficient explanations, demonstration, wide field of questioning, etc. Organisation of Science Fairs and Exhibitions Involves considerable preparation. A central organisation committee (COC) is usually set up. Headed by a chairman, the COC forms subcommitt

Extra-Curricular Activities: Science Clubs, Starting and Running A Science Clubs

Science clubs aim at bringing together, outside school hours, all young people who are interested in science. Through these, the desirable scientific culture may be fostered among them. They also serve as a forum for young scientists, not only to socialize, but also to design and execute projects that help to demonstrate some of the ideas they have learnt in science. Possible Activities Through Science Clubs 1. Group Individual projects: eg tagging plants, publication of science magazine/journal, study of introductory astronomy, construction of dams, irrigation schemes, etc. 2. Organisation of science  quizzes, fairs and exhibitions. 3. Organisation of educational tours to industries, factories and other areas of scientific interest. 4. Organisation of lectures,discussions and seminars. 5. Organisation of film shows. Starting and Running A Science Club The initiation of the programme may come from the teacher  with the approval of the school authority or preferably encouraging the seri

Teaching: Co-Curricular Science Activities

Co-curricular science activities are those areas of the total curriculum involving experiences not usually provided for in the typical classroom. They include club activities, assembly programmes, interschool athletics, intra-mural athletics, students government and other activities under the guidance of the school.  These activities, do directly or indirectly emoy a pedagogical technique,often called the project method, which seeks to offer the students complete freedom of choice of the problem to be solved, as well as the means to be employed in solving it. The result is that in place of externally imposed tasks of the traditional kind, the activities of the students are centered around a number of spontaneous projects. A project involves four major steps of proposing, planning, executing and evaluating. For a project to be educationally valuable, it must meet the following requirements: 1. It must clearly engage the learners' interest, 2. It must involve an intrinsically worthwh