Extra-Curricular Activities: Science Clubs, Starting and Running A Science Clubs

Science clubs aim at bringing together, outside school hours, all young people who are interested in science. Through these, the desirable scientific culture may be fostered among them. They also serve as a forum for young scientists, not only to socialize, but also to design and execute projects that help to demonstrate some of the ideas they have learnt in science.

Possible Activities Through Science Clubs

1. Group Individual projects: eg tagging plants, publication of science magazine/journal, study of introductory astronomy, construction of dams, irrigation schemes, etc.

2. Organisation of science  quizzes, fairs and exhibitions.

3. Organisation of educational tours to industries, factories and other areas of scientific interest.

4. Organisation of lectures,discussions and seminars.

5. Organisation of film shows.

Starting and Running A Science Club

The initiation of the programme may come from the teacher  with the approval of the school authority or preferably encouraging the serious minded students to start one. When a club is formed, the guiding teacher should attend the planning meetings, explaining a number of things. To be effective, club activities are generally arranged to involve members other than the officials and are well spread out, to help maintain interest and enthusiasm. The general conditions should be within the provision of operation of clubs and societies in the school system. Furthermore, members should be involved in democratic decision making procedures. The club will be more lively and operational. The advising teacher only guides and suggests rather than directs.


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