Extra-Curricular Activities: Science Fairs, Exhibitions and Organisation

There are avenues for students to exhibit the models they have built or display results of undertaken projects,etc. The element of publicity in fairs and exhibitions may encourage increase efforts in understanding especially projects. The stimulate interest in science, provide educational participatory experiences and accord public recognition to students endeavours.

Values of Science Fairs and Exhibitions

1. Demonstrated projects usually attract people to this utilitarian aspect of science.

2. More understanding of models foristance by weaker students.

3. Students learn to put in their best because of the element of competition and publicity.

4. The general conduct and procedure of the whole exercise is educative, because there are sufficient explanations, demonstration, wide field of questioning, etc.

Organisation of Science Fairs and Exhibitions

Involves considerable preparation. A central organisation committee (COC) is usually set up. Headed by a chairman, the COC forms subcommittee vested with specific responsibilities. Sub committee can co-opt other members.

The COC meets and discusses:

1. Date and time of fair and exhibitions.

2. Theme of the fair.

3. Venue.

4. Participants.

5. Possible awards/prices/ gifts.

6. Programme.

7. Budget.

8. Selection of subcommittee members.


Possible Suncomittee

1. Display / exhibition

2. Publicay/ invitation

3. Decoration.


5. Evaluation


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