Education: Challenges Facing Early Childhood Education In Nigeria
In spite the growing significance of Early Childhood Education (ECE) in the World, number of challenges had been affecting its full implementation. I read a very important article about this problem from Writers Bureau Centre (WBC) about this matter written in 2008, I will point out some areas from the article and add with what I have in my mind. Some of these challenges include:- 1. Socio-Economic Status: In developing countries like Nigeria, the people socio-economic is inferior, people can’t have enough money to buy food, shelter and clothes talkless of taking children to schools, especially the early childhood education. Malnutrition and lack of health facilities are most examples problems associated with this problem. These challenges can damage the cognitive processing ability of children. Children whose processing capability is impacted by malnutrition and ill-health might require hours of instructions to learn various skills. As such, implementation of early childhood educ...