Learning English 1: How To Use Go, Go To, Go On, Go To A, Go To The & Go For
Go We use go in the followings: go home, go downtown, go north, go south, go straight on, go left, go right, go crazy, go up, go down, go shopping, go running, go skiing, go dancing, go fishing and go swimming. Go To We use go to in the followings: go to school, go to work, go to college, go to university, go to prison, go to jail, go to London, go to England, go to Europe, go to Asia, go to Mars, go to planets and go to dinner. Go To A go to a party, go to a concert, go to a gig, go to a conference and go to meeting. Go On go on holiday, go on a trip, go on a cruise, go on an adventure and go on a safari. ...